New Christian Unschooling Blog

November 12, 2007 at 10:15 am (Uncategorized)

I am not an unschooler, but I am frequently mistaken for one!  LOL  I do have a lot of unschooling tendencies and the longer I homeschool the more relaxed I get. The new Christian Unschooling blog is a great resource for those of you who are "real" unschoolers or are toying with the idea of unschooling.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from the Christian Unschooling blog:

"That brings us to…GOD LED INTERESTS!!  I truly believe God gives us everything..what we do with it is another story! Too often God given interests are stifled in the rush to learn at an appropriate nationwide level. What about the child who watches Gorillas In The Mist and wants to be active in Gorilla preservation? This is about more than giving some extra time to an interest, this is about embracing things laid on our children’s hearts, whether it is for 5 minutes or for 5 years. WE don’t know God’s plans, not for ourselves, and certainly not for our children!"

(used with permission.)

I’m telling you this kind of thinking s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s me!  I love the words, but I am just not there yet!  I can tell you I have seen several uncshooling Mom’s who live this!  I have seen this comfortable approach to following a child’s lead and letting them learn whatever they love work.  Let me tell you unschooling is not for the faint of heart! (I think it takes a special laid-back personality!) I have always said "Unschooling parents are the hardest working parents in homeschooling!"  By this I mean they are not relying on a curriculum to lead their days.  They are out there opening a zillion doors and waiting to see which ones their children choose to walk through!  That is a lot of work and trust in God! 

So for those of you who may be thinking about unschooling and especially if you are looking for information and support regarding Christian unschooling you will want to visit the Christian Unschooling blog!  There are also 31 back issues of the Christian Unschooling Newsletter Seedlings available to read on the blog. There is a lot of  great info waiting for you! Oh, and there is a Toile background!  What’s not to love?  LOL


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