Wedding Plans

March 31, 2007 at 1:13 am (Uncategorized)

My 6 year old daughter has decided she is going to marry her brothers best friend.  He’s 13, but one day while telling them all a story about my parents I mentioned that my Dad was 9 years older than my Mom.  My rent-a-kid (aka: sons best friend) said something about he and my daughter being "only" 7 years apart.  My daughter immediately decided they would be wed!  (She has very good taste in men!) So where does a 6 year old dream about having her wedding??????



Her Father and I are very proud of her frugal decision! 

At least she is no longer planning on marrying her older brother!  LOL

P.S. Yesterday my 3 year old asked me to marry him!  I just LOVE being a Mom! 

My daughter with the man she plans to marry reading her a bedtime story.
Any wonder why she is in love?

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My Mathematical Life

March 29, 2007 at 6:41 pm (Uncategorized)

My 12 year old son has been playing this game for Math this week.  Here is what he thinks of it:

My Mathematical Life

My Mathematical Life is a game on CD-ROM that shows how you use math in real life. You have to pick a job, and keep your character healthy, wealthy, and happy for 41 game years. You must learn to pay all your debts, taxes, etc. with checks or credit. You can put money in savings accounts; buy stocks, health insurance and car insurance if you buy a car.  You can choose to buy a house or rent one.  You can buy a dog/cat/etc. to make you happier! (Once I had five dogs and 2 cats!) You can also buy vacations to make you happier. (I recommend Outer Space for only $30,000.00!) Your character might get married, (It suddenly tells you that you are married!) and then you need the family health insurance, you can do all sorts of stuff.  My character had 4 kids the last time I played and I named them “Who, What Where & Why!”   I haven’t even done everything, plus random things happen like your house burning down, you finding money, you inheriting money, a burglar robbing you of jewelry, and I think if you don’t stay healthy you can even DIE!

You can look at a book called “My Life” to see what you have done in game so far, Its quite fun actually, a lot more than any other math program I have seen.

It has a pretty wide variety of jobs, from professional athlete, to teacher, to computer programmer; it has a lot of interesting parts to the game.  Sometimes you get pop-ups like “Your friends want to schedule movie night it will cost you $12.00 per week.”  Then you must choose to accept, decline or think about it taking into consideration the amount of time involved and the cost of this item in your budget.

I have played this game 3 times now. I find that it is educational and has made me think about things I had not thought about before.  It has made me aware that there are a lot of jobs out there that I have not considered.  I had also not thought about insurance, taxes & a lot of other things grown-ups have to think about.

I like the program. I recommend it.

Recommended for Ages 12 -15.  We bought ours last year through Scholastics & it was WAY cheaper than I can find it anywhere online.

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My Friend Matt

March 28, 2007 at 12:06 pm (Uncategorized)

Today is my friend Matt’s birthday so I am crawling out from underneath my rock to tell you a little about him…

Matt and I met when we were 12 years old in Emporia, Kansas.  We were in choir together at Louther Middle School and it didn’t take long for him to stand out in the crowd.  You see, I believed in God at the time, but Matt LIVED for God!  I had never met anyone quite like him.  He talked about Christ in a way that made Him seem like a real person, not just a Bible story figure. Not only did he talk about Him he lived for Him.  He was kind and always had time for everyone.  He was never shy about sharing his faith and everyone it seemed was drawn to him.  On top of all of  this he was a big ole’ goofball, which made him a blast to be around!  I quickly decided that he was the love of my life!  Our romances lasted a good couple of months!  LOL  Then something wonderful happened…We became FRIENDS!  During the romance period of our relationship Matt invited me to church.  I went of course because he was cute!  Little did I know that invitation would change my life for eternity.  Matt led me to the Lord.  I had gone to church all my life and finally at the the age of 13 all the things I had heard finally made sense and I knew that I needed Christ as my Savior!  The story would be a happy one if it ended there.  The truth is it could and should have ended there because my family soon after moved away.  What are the chances of two 13 year olds keeping in touch?  Well, we did keep in touch and over the years Matt has been a constant friend, counselor & Pastor to me.  Through the years we have laughed over silly things, rejoiced over happy times and mourned through several deaths together.  As everyone expected Matt became a Pastor and in 1989 he performed his 1st wedding!  It was mine to my wonderful husband!  (Matt also walked me down the aisle and sang a song he had written for his brothers wedding a few years before.  This guy can do it all! )  In 1996 when my Dad passed away Matt was there for me again.  He came and spoke at the funeral and supported me through a very tough time in my life.  I have always known I can count on him and since I do not I have a brother I think of him as the brother I have never had.

Matt has always been the person I can call or email with a prayer request.  I have called him in tears when our 1st child died and called him with shouts of joy at the birth of my first son.  I have rejoiced with him as he and his wonderful wife have had kids and gone through this journey called life.  The funny thing is that over the last 30 years since my family moved away Matt and I have one "seen" each other about a dozen times.  But that doesn’t seem to matter.  In good times and bad we have consistently been there for each other. I was thinking today about my earlier post about my struggle with moving from place to place and not feeling I have continuity in my life. I realized that Matt is one place I can go and feel "home".  He has known me through my good times and my bad and he still chooses to be my friend.  What a blessing!

Yesterday I came across some PodCast Sermons of Matt’s that he has online.  I have been greatly blessed in the last couple days listening to them so I thought I would share them here.  (I have also put them on my sidebar for easy access.)  You will laugh, you will cry and you may even rewind a couple times to see if he really just said that!? LOL  (Yeah, he’s still a big ole’ goofball! )  If you only have time to listen to one start with "simple"  It is so awesome!

CLICK HERE to go to Matt’s PodCasts.

If you have a friend like Matt I encourage you to take a moment to thank God for them.  Then call them up and tell them THANKS for all you have been in my life! 

and THANKS for 30 years of friendship!

A friend loves at all times. 

Proverbs 17:17

BTW, Matt and I both have 12 year old sons now!  WOW!!!

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March 24, 2007 at 12:49 am (Uncategorized)

Well, the rock is in!  The list is not quite finished…But when I found out we needed Eleven & 1/2 tons of rock instead of 5 tons it kinda slowed us down a bit!  LOL  I postponed the appointment with the Realtor until Monday.  But here is what we did with Eleven & 1/2 tons of rock!

The rock arrives! 
This may well be the happiest day of my 3 year olds life!  LOL  Imagine waking up one morning and finding a mountain in your front yard? 

Everyone helps out!

We bring in my rent-a-kid for reinforcement! (Notice: Our pile is getting smaller and our wheelbarrow is getting BIGGER!  LOL)

I give the crew time off for good behavior!

Of course we had a little fun!  (You not believe how many silly songs you can make up around the theme of shoveling rocks!  LOL)

Finally…It is done!

May I NEVER lift another shovel full of rock in my life!  LOL

Okay, speaking of rocks…I am going to go crawl back under mine!  I will not be posting again until I get the house listed FOR SALE!   So many projects, so little time!

Your continued prayers are appreciated!

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Time Away

March 15, 2007 at 1:04 am (Uncategorized)

Due to the HUGE amount of work I have to do to get our house ready to put on the market I have decided to take some time away from my blog.  I have made an appointment with a realtor for a week from today…So ready or not here it comes!!!  I LOVE spending time on my blog, but right now time is a luxury I do not have.  So, while I am not blogging I will be:

  1. Spreading 5 tons of rock in my front yard.
  2. Taking down pictures and packing them.
  3. Patching holes from pictures and repainting walls.
  4. Doing some yard work in the back yard (Weeding mostly)
  5. Cleaning out the front hall closet
  6. Cleaning and de-cluttering my 2 youngest kids room (My oldest sons room is done!  Hooray!)
  7. Shampooing the staircase
  8. Cleaning off the computer desk in the Master bedroom
  9. Making curtains for the living room windows (Since I broke the blinds while cleaning them!!!!!) 
  10. Cleaning, packing & de-cluttering the schoolroom.  (HUGE job! This is the biggest job next to spreading the rock!)
  11. Staining and Polyurethaning the cabinets in the Master Bathroom
  12. General cleaning of the whole house
  13. Catching up the laundry (My dryer just got fixed after being out of commission for a month! )

Piece of cake, huh?  LOL  Well, I have 6 days until the Realtor comes…So if I can get 2 of the items done from my list each day I should be able to be ready! 

Your prayers would be greatly appreciated!  Hopefully I will be back in about a week. 

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Affliction Night

March 12, 2007 at 7:54 am (Uncategorized)

Don’t worry they are not really injured!

It is just Affliction Night at Awana! LOL

What coul be more fun than I head injury?

A whole room of head injuries! 

I just love Awana!

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Why Am I Afraid?

March 10, 2007 at 11:27 am (Uncategorized)

I am taking a shower this morning and I hear my 3 year old banging on the bathroom door.  I dry off and open the door to find him standing there with a pair of pliers and a screwdriver.  (Real pliers, toy screwdriver)  He is smiling ear to ear and proclaims "Mom, I fixed the computer!!!"  He then leads me over to the computer, crawls under the desk so he can properly point to the back of the computer tower and says "See, right here, I fixed it!" 

Needless to say I was a little afraid!  LOL

So I thought I would get on the computer and post this story and see if anything had been "fixed"!  LOL

I guess all the hours he has spent watching Handy Manny have paid off, the computer seems to be working fine!  This reminded me of how my mil use to say she lived in fear of using her small kitchen appliances when my husband was little!  LOL  (Of course my husband assures me that if he worked on any of the small appliances no one would have anything to fear!)

Gotta go, I think the 3 year old is in the bathroom "fixing" the toilet now! 

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Homeschool Videos

March 10, 2007 at 2:58 am (Uncategorized)

Here is a cool new site dedicated to videos of homeschoolers!

See what other homeschoolers are doing or submit your own video! 

Brought to us by one of our very own homeschoolbloggers!

What will they think of next?

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Yard Work

March 9, 2007 at 4:46 pm (Uncategorized)

The kids and I worked in the front yard today.  Last Summer all our grass died and we have needed to do something with the yard ever since.  Well, since we are getting ready to sell the house we cannot procrastinate anymore!  LOL  So we are going to rock the yard in.  (Very popular in the Desert!)  We got 1 truck load of free white rock in the Summer and started rocking the yard, but then I decided I really would rather have red rock.  So the kids and I spent today moving the truck load of white rock around the front tree and into a flower bed under the front window.  Boy,am I sore! 

Here are the boys moving rock around the tree.

What a cutie!  We don’t want to get any dust in our eyes or lungs so we suited up!  LOL

The new look under the window.

The builder who built this house for some reason put all the plumbing mechanisms right outside the front door.  The pile of rocks in the front of the top picture is my attempt to cover up the sewer vent and the water valve to the house.  I also covered up some other manhole looking thing with rock.  I haven’t come up with a way to cover the pipe sticking out of the ground yet.  It is the sprinkler control for the back yard.  What were they thinking?  Anyway, now all we have to do is put a border around the tree, dig up what little grass has come back and then spread 5 tons of red rock around the rest of the yard.  We should be ready to put the house on the market sometime in 2010!  LOL

Did I mention I am sore?

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What I Love About Homeschooling?

March 8, 2007 at 3:35 pm (Uncategorized)

This is without a doubt the number one thing I LOVE about homeschooling!

For I have come to have much joy and comfort in your love,
because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother.

Philemon 1:7

I was upstairs working on printing off some things I need for school for tomorrow.  It was about 1:00 in the afternoon.  I went downstairs to check on the three year old…and I found him cuddled up next to his 12 year old brother peacefully napping.  Sigh…What more could a Mother want for her children?

This is one of those moments when I remind myself that society says my oldest son "should" be in school right now. How glad I am that he is here with his family instead!  

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another,
even as I have loved you, that you also love one another."

John 13:34

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